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Essay and report writing skills
Essay and report writing skills

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8.1.1 Achieving a good polish

Here is a list of indicators you can use to judge your polishing techniques. Most guidance notes given to students include these points, but they are not always followed.

Positive indicatorsNegative indicators
It is word-processed or clearly and neatly hand-written.The assignment is written on paper that has been torn out of an exercise book.
It is double-spaced.It is illegible.
There are wide margins on either side of the script to allow for tutor comments.The writing (or word processing) fills the whole page, with no margins and no spaces between lines or paragraphs.
The title appears at the top of the first page.There is no title.
There are few, if any, spelling mistakes.There are no separate sections or paragraphs.
Paragraphs are neither too long nor too short.There are too many short sections or paragraphs.
There is space between paragraphs.There are no references and/or bibliography.
Quotations are acknowledged accurately and in sufficient detail.
There is a bibliography at the end of the assignment, to indicate which sources you have used.
The pages are numbered.
You have put your name and personal identifier on each page.