Health Management, Ethics and Research Module: 4.  Implementing your Health Plans

Study Session 4  Implementing your Health Plans


In the previous study session you learned how to plan health programmes in your community. This study session builds on that knowledge.

Implementation is a central part of healthcare management. It is the stage where you translate planned activities into action, using key concepts to help you determine how best to use your group activities and resources, and motivate members of your team to work in the best interests of the health of the community.

In this study session you will be briefed and equipped with the concepts and skills that will help you to learn how you can organise the volunteers, model family members and others in your community. You won’t be able to improve the health of your community on your own, but it will be possible to do this by directing and building a team, then leading, motivating and training them.

You will learn how to translate a healthcare plan into activities that you can implement in your own community. In order to do this you need basic skills and knowledge on getting organised, setting up activities, finding resources, building a team, and leading, motivating and training that team. Later in the study session you will be introduced to the importance of conducting meetings and some useful skills for the management of meetings.

During this study session you will be able to learn how to put into place, or implement, your planned healthcare activities.

Learning Outcomes for Study Session 4