Health Management, Ethics and Research Module: 6.  Management of Supplies at Health Post Level

Study Session 6  Management of Supplies at Health Post Level


This study session will introduce you to some of the aspects of resource management that will be relevant to your work as a Health Extension Practitioner. You have already learned about managing your own time and performance, and that of other people in your team (i.e. human resource management) in Study Sessions 4 and 5. In this study session we will focus on resource management of the drugs and equipment needed at your Health Post.

An important aspect of your work is getting the best use out of the resources that you are in charge of. The successful performance of your healthcare activities will depend on using your resources in the most efficient way, because, obviously, limitations of resources will prevent the full attainment of your objectives. But how can you avoid resource problems from happening? This study session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to apply to resource management problems at Health Post level, so you can ensure that your healthcare activities are supported by adequate resources. We will teach you a system for estimating quantities, ordering supplies and preventing wastage that should enable your work to run smoothly.

Learning Outcomes for Study Session 6