7.5  Burns injuries

Burns are such a common accident that you are sure to have seen someone suffering from a burn in your village. A burn is a severe form of injury which causes significant soft tissue damage, as well as changes affecting blood volume (fluid balance). By fluid balance it is meant that people with a major burn will develop shock as a result of evaporation of body fluids from the burn surface; this reduces their blood volume even though they are not bleeding. While most burns are minor and do not require hospitalisation, extensive burns are a life-threatening emergency. You should also know that the very young and the very old do not tolerate burns well or respond so well to treatment (Figure 7.8).

House catches fire and a child is burned
Figure 7.8  A tragic situation when a farmer’s house catches fire and a child is burned.

7.4.2  Emergency care for someone with a head or spinal injury

7.5.1  Common causes of burns