2.7.2 Storing student data

Student data associated with OpenMark questions that are included in a Moodle iCMA are stored in the Moodle database. As is usual with OpenMark it is the responsibility of the interactive media developer to decide what information should be stored.

The OpenMark question developer may use

  • getResults().setQuestionLine("Variant=" + iVariant);

to store any information on the variant of the question in the Moodle database. Using the above form for setQuestionLine() enables Moodle to calculate the usual statistics for each variant of a question as well as the overall statistics for all variants of the question. This information can then be extracted by the author using the Statistics report. Use

  • getResults().setAnswerLine(responseString)

to store the student's responseString in the Moodle database. This information can then be extracted by the author using the Responses report.

Moodle does not use

  • getResults().appendActionSummary()

2.7.1 No. of tries and marking

2.7.3 iCMA reports