2.2 Restrictions and resources

We’re all affected by our own restrictions and resources. Sometimes the same thing can be both a restriction and a resource. If you’re buying a house on a mortgage, it’s both a liability and an asset; a friend or relative might need support but might also be a source of support to you.

Activity 4

Timing: Allow about 20 minutes

What are your restrictions and resources?

Think about your resources – the things, people and attitudes that could help you. Then think about your restrictions – the things you need to take into account, or that may be problems.

Go to the template for this activity in the resource pack [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   and note them down. An example is shown in Table 1.

Table 1


Financial resources 


Equipment, tools, premises

I have …

I haven’t got …

People, family, contacts

Who can help me? 

Who needs my help or support?


Good points      

Bad points

Beliefs, outlooks




Consider your answers in the table you filled in.

  • How will they affect the kind of opportunities open to you?
  • Are there other things you need to consider? For example, do you need to work near your home?
  • Could you move to a new area?
  • Could you work from home?
  • Have you caring responsibilities, or do you need care yourself?

2.3 Balancing helpful resources against restrictions