
East Sussex Total Communication (2009) Total Communication Resource Pack [online]. Available at EasySiteWeb/ GatewayLink.aspx?alId=508047 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (accessed 11 March 2016).
HM Government (2009) Valuing People Now: A New Three-year Strategy for People with Learning Disabilities, London, Department of Health.
National Health Service (2016) Caring and Communication Difficulties [online]. Available at conditions/ social-care-and-support-guide/ pages/ communication-problems-carers.aspx (accessed 11 March 2016).
Teacher Support Network and Robert Latham (2016) ‘Listening’, BeWellTeachWell [online]. Available at relationships/ listening (accessed 11 March 2016).