7.1.4  Danger signs of severe malaria

If the patient has had fever during the past 2–3 days, first ask about and then look for danger signs:


  • Is the patient unable to drink?
  • Has the patient had convulsions (fits)?
  • Does the patient vomit repeatedly?
  • How much urine does the patient pass? Very little? None at all? Is it dark?
  • Is the patient breathing fast, or having difficulty breathing?
  • Does the patient have yellowish eyes, mouth or palms?


  • Is the patient abnormally sleepy, difficult to wake, or confused?
  • Does the patient have anaemia?
  • Does the patient have severe dehydration? (Look for sudden weight loss, loose skin, sunken eyes, dry mouth)
  • Is the patient unable to stand or sit?
  • Is the patient breathing fast, or having difficulty breathing?
  • Does the patient have yellowish eyes, mouth or palms?

Important!If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the patient has severe malaria. The patient’s life is in danger. Urgent treatment is needed to save the patient’s life so refer immediately to the nearest health centre.

7.1.3  How you can identify cases of malaria

7.2  Parasitological diagnosis of malaria