2 Advice on why e-safety is so important for schools

These short films produced by Childnet International for teachers give a very clear overview of why e-safety is so important and how schools can engage with learners and support them as they use technology both inside and outside the classroom.

Developing a sound e-safety policy and infrastructure and teaching e-safety in schools is increasingly being recognised as good practice and both the Self Review Framework designed by Becta and the ICT Mark which recognises school’s achievements with technology both include reference to the importance of safeguarding. See http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ 20101102103654/ publications.becta.org.uk/ display.cfm?resID=31051 for more information.


The film talks about the integral part that social networking plays in many children’s lives. Are you familiar with these services?

You don’t need to have an account to understand the appeal for children. For a good overview of how Social Networking works see http://www.commoncraft.com/ video-social-networking

1 Advice on managing online risks in schools

3 Advice on e-safety resources appropriate for KS1 learners