OEPS Project Partners

About this report

OEPS was a multi-stranded action research project; each strand of activity working with a partner through the action research cycle of planning, acting, observing and reflecting.  This document lists all the organisations that engaged in this process.  In some instances engagement was short term or episodic in others the collaboration took place over the three years of the project’s life.


1.     Borders College

2.     Carers Trust

3.     College Development Network

4.     Cooperative Educational Trust Scotland

5.     Crichton Carbon Centre

6.     Crichton Institute

7.     Devro PLC

8.     Dyslexia Scotland

9.     Dundee University

10.  Edinburgh Napier University

11.  Education Scotland

12.  Educational Institute of Scotland

13.  Evaluation of Learner’s Experiences of e-Learning Special Interest Group ELESIG

14.  Equality Challenge Unit

15.  Equate

16.  eLearning Alliance

17.  ExplOERer (EU funded project)

18.  Glasgow Caledonian University

19.  Glasgow City College

20.  Glasgow Kelvin College

21.  Glasgow University School of Interdisciplinary Studies

22.  Heriot-Watt University

23.  Highland and Islands Enterprise

24.  JISC

25.  Learning for Sustainability

26.  Lomonds and Trossachs National Park

27.  NHS Education Scotland

28.  NUJ

29.  Open Scotland

30.  Open University Faculty of Social Science

31.  Parkinsons UK

32.  PCS

33.  PeopleKnowHow

34.  Prison Officers Association

35.  QAA Scotland

36.  Queen Margaret University

37.  RMT

38.  Ross County Football Club

39.  Royal Bank of Scotland

40.  Scottish Association for Marine Science (UHI)

41.  Scottish Crofters

42.  Scottish Enterprise

43.  Scottish Natural Heritage

44.  Scottish Social Services Council

45.  Scottish Union Learning

46.  Scottish Universities Association for Lifelong Learning

47.  SCVO

48.  Scottish Higher Education Developers (SHED)

49.  SQA

50.  SRUC

51.  Strathclyde University

52.  The Glasgow Digital Participation Group.

53.  The OU Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Curriculum

54.  The OUiS Learning Development Team

55.  The Poverty Alliance

56.  The Robert Gordon’s University

57.  Trust for Conservation Volunteers

58.  Unite the Union

59.  University of Abertay

60.  University of Edinburgh

61.  University of Glasgow

62.  University of Stirling

63.  University of Strathclyde

64.  University of the Highlands and Islands

65.  University of the West of Scotland

66.  West College

67.  Workers Educational Association Scotland

68.  Zero Waste Scotland


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Last modified: Friday, 21 July 2017, 4:06 PM