Activity 5 - Assignment brief - AC3.1 and AC3.2

By the endd of this session you will be able to successfully complete your assignment and be able to:

  1. Define the terms analyse and recommendations
  2. Analyse/interpret data and share your findings
  3. Present the data visually using 3 different formats

Your management team is considering a restructuring of the organisation to meet new business demands and trends for the future. Different skills sets and redeployment of resources will be needed. You have been asked to produce a report to outline ways in which data might assist the team to re-organise the workforce.

Using the data provided below on the outcomes of a recent staff survey*, which indicates the level of job satisfaction and motivation, analyse the data and present it visually using three different formats with an explanatory note on what the data shows.

Unit 3RAI

Employee Engagement Survey Data (Source CIPD, January 2017)

Oldbridge District Council provides a range of local government services to a predominantly rural population of 75,000 people living in a market town and surrounding villages.

Like all local government bodies, Oldbridge has had to make very substantial savings in recent years.  Pay rises have been restricted to 1% for some years now, while restrictions on recruitment have been in operation.  

The HR Officer decided it was time to carry out a staff survey in order to establish levels of satisfaction and engagement among staff.  A confidential questionnaire was designed and 75% of staff responded.  Results were as follows:

  • 65% state that they look forward to going to work in the morning
  • 62% state that they find their work to be rewarding, 13% enjoyed it greatly
  • 42% say that they were satisfied with the variety of work that they are required to do
  • 80% state that they feel valued and supported by their work colleagues, 55% by their line manager, but only 20% by senior managers
  • 70% are satisfied with the level of responsibility they carry
  • 21% state that they are satisfied with their pay and benefits, but no-one says they are 'very satisfied' with these
  • 55% state that they are happy with their work life balance
  • 90% state that their jobs have become increasingly stressful in recent years
  • 33% are satisfied with the training and development opportunities
  • 83% say that their workload has increased in the past year.
  • 70% are satisfied with their promotion opportunities
  • 15% say that change is managed well by the council
  • 90% say that they 'sometimes feel stressed'
  • 28% say that they are listened to at work
  • 36% say that they are happy with their job security
  • 27% say that they feel their efforts at work are properly recognised
  • 54% state that they are actively seeking alternative employment

Last modified: Thursday, 2 May 2019, 1:27 PM