Health, Sports & Psychology
What do sports authorities have to do to take account of transgender competitors?
Transgender people are now able to compete at the Olympics - but there are some who worry this might create opportunities for cheating. Katharina Lindner explores the questions.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Junk Food Marketing To Children Online
UK rules that ban marketing of junk foods to children and young people are weak. Why is this a problem?

Health, Sports & Psychology
Rio 2016: A Caster Semenya reading list
Caster Semenya's 800 metres victory at Rio hasn't been met with universal acclaim, as it reopens the debate over hyperadrogenic atheletes.

Science, Maths & Technology
Numbers, units and arithmetic
Do fractions and decimals make you apprehensive about maths? Do you lack confidence in dealing with numbers? If so, then this free course, Numbers, units and arithmetic, is for you. The course will explain the basics of working with positive and negative numbers and how to multiply and divide with fractions and decimals.

Society, Politics & Law
Public Health and Behaviour Change: from naïve sociology to naïve psychology
Are the 'nudge' campaigns used to promote public health no longer educational but patronising and child-like instead?

Money & Business
Sure, I know how to talk to people!
This free course is one in a series focusing on leadership, decision-making and communication in the context of policing within the community. This particular session focuses on communication skills and specifically looks at how to build rapport and get the most out of conversations in community settings. It introduces a psychological model ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Aimee Stahl and Lisa Feigenson show how babies not only focus on surprises but learn more from them.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Understanding service improvement in healthcare
This free course, Understanding service improvement in healthcare, will help you to understand what people mean by the terms ‘service’ and ‘improvement’ in relation to healthcare. The course will help you to think about how those involved in healthcare, whether as practitioners or service users, can monitor the progress of any initiative to ...

Health, Sports & Psychology
Iechyd meddwl: Awgrymiadau gan oroeswr
Cyngor i bawb gan rywun sydd wedi goroesi iechyd meddwl.

Education & Development
How to write a CV
A CV (curriculum vitae) is a brief account of your education, qualifications, skills and work-based experience, used mainly when applying for a job. Your CV is your first opportunity to tell an employer what you can do. A well written CV can make the difference between getting an interview and not being considered for the role.

Education & Development
Harry Potter and Parenting
What does the Harry Potter series, and the protagonist's search for a home and family, tell us about parent-child relationships?

Health, Sports & Psychology
World Mental Health Day
Break the stigma surrounding mental health issues and increase your understanding with our free content and courses, as part of World Mental Health Day (October 10th).