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Grid List Results: 1083 items
Introducing healthcare improvement free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Introducing healthcare improvement

This free course, Introducing healthcare improvement, explores quality improvement in healthcare settings. It begins by defining healthcare quality and describing the meaning of quality improvement in healthcare. You will also learn about the different dimensions of quality and the broad aims of healthcare improvement. The course will help you ...

Free course
3 hrs
Work and mental health free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Work and mental health

Although being at work during periods of mental illness can be difficult for those with mental health problems, most people with these difficulties could take paid employment if it were not for numerous barriers in the workplace and the wider community (Centre for Mental Health, 2013). In this free course, Work and mental health, you will look ...

Free course
6 hrs
Oliver Sacks: article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Oliver Sacks: "Romantic, in the sense of the romantic poets"

For Vaughan Bell of Mind Hacks, the more Sacks wrote, the more we were inspired - and the more we knew of the man himself

5 mins
What can Chinese students in Southampton teach us about going green? article icon

Nature & Environment

What can Chinese students in Southampton teach us about going green?

Research amongst Chinese students studying in the UK explores whether studying overseas can change people's behaviour.

5 mins
Living with Disability audio icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Living with Disability

How does living with disability and chronic illness impact on a person's quality of life? What are the consequences of physical limitations and treatment regimes? The tracks on his album explore real-life case studies in a variety of care environments. From domestic homes to residential and hospital settings, we explore physical, social and ...

2 hrs 14 mins
Getting started with SPSS free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Society, Politics & Law

Getting started with SPSS

Handling statistical data is an essential part of psychological research. However, many people find the idea of using statistics, and especially statistical software packages, extremely daunting. This free course, Getting started with SPSS, takes a step-by-step approach to statistics software through seven interactive activities. No statistics ...

Free course
3 hrs
Why is the media still fascinated by Brady and Hindley's crimes? article icon

Society, Politics & Law

Why is the media still fascinated by Brady and Hindley's crimes?

Half a century on, the Moors Murders remain a fixed point of fascination and horror for the UK media. Two Manchester-based academics explain why.

5 mins
How does the human body fight a viral infection? article icon

Science, Maths & Technology

How does the human body fight a viral infection?

Some individuals generate an effective immune response to COVID-19. Why? Discover the immune response to viral infection in this explainer article...

20 mins
How can you exercise safely in the heat? article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

How can you exercise safely in the heat?

A hot week lays ahead but do you have to abandon your keep-fit routines when the mercury gets so high? Not if you're careful, say Hannah Moir and Chris Howe.

5 mins
Mind the Medicine Gap audio icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Mind the Medicine Gap

Vanessa lives in London. She has cancer. Lemlem lives in rural Ethiopia. She has typhoid. Most people would agree that both women should have similar access to the medicines they need. But why is this harder for Lemlem? And why are fewer drugs developed for common diseases in Lemlem's part of the world? Is it that the pharmaceutical companies ...

19 mins
Dying Matters Awareness Week article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Dying Matters Awareness Week

Learn more about death and dying during this year's Dying Matters Awareness Week: 8th-14th May with our FREE courses, videos and interactives.

15 mins
Should we test drugs on pregnant women? article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Should we test drugs on pregnant women?

The idea might seem ridiculous. But as science writer Emily Anthes explains, there's a strong case for testing drugs on women who are pregnant.

15 mins