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Results: 1137 items

Digital thinking tools for better decision making free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Digital & Computing

Digital thinking tools for better decision making

Ever since the very beginning of humanity, tools have played a pivotal role in who we are and what we do. Tools for recording, processing and communicating information have a time-honoured history – from the clay tokens used in Mesopotamia to mechanical calculating machines. The invention of the digital computer has boosted the scale, speed and ...

Free course
24 hrs
What about me? A personal development course for carers in Wales free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

What about me? A personal development course for carers in Wales

This is a personal development course for carers in Wales. It will help you to identify and reflect on your experiences, interests, skills and your future aspirations. You will also have the opportunity to develop a personal action plan to take forward beyond the course. Developed by The Open University in Wales and Carers Trust Wales, it is ...

Free course
5 hrs
Beth amdana i? Cwrs datblygiad personol ar gyfer gofalwyr yng Nghymru free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Beth amdana i? Cwrs datblygiad personol ar gyfer gofalwyr yng Nghymru

Cwrs datblygiad personol ar gyfer gofalwyr yng Nghymru yw hwn. Bydd yn eich helpu i nodi a myfyrio ar eich profiadau, eich diddordebau a'ch sgiliau a'ch dyheadau ar gyfer y dyfodol. Byddwch hefyd yn cael y cyfle i ddatblygu cynllun gweithredu personol i'w roi ar waith ar ôl i'r cwrs ddod i ben. Mae'r cwrs, a ddatblygwyd gan Y Brifysgol Agored ...

Free course
5 hrs
Gofalu am oedolion free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Gofalu am oedolion

Mae gofalu am oedolion yn gwrs rhagarweiniol i unrhyw un sydd â rôl ofalgar, naill ai'n daladwy neu'n ddi-dāl. Mae'n adeiladu ar yr hyn yr ydych eisoes yn ei wybod i roi gwell dealltwriaeth i chi o'ch rôl fel gofalwr. Mae hefyd yn cefnogi'ch lles eich hun trwy roi syniadau a gwybodaeth i chi am ofalu amdanoch eich hun a delio â straen.

Free course
15 hrs
Caring for adults free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Caring for adults

Caring for adults is an introductory course for anyone in a caring role, either paid or unpaid. It builds on what you already know to give you a better understanding of your role as a carer. It also supports your own well-being by giving you some ideas and information about looking after yourself and dealing with stress.

Free course
15 hrs
Storïau unigol: safbwyntiau ar waith cymdeithasol free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Storïau unigol: safbwyntiau ar waith cymdeithasol

Yn y gyfres hon o bedwar cyfweliad, byddwch yn gwylio defnyddiwr gwasanaeth, gofalwr, gweithiwr cymdeithasol a rheolwr gwaith cymdeithasol yn siarad am eu profiadau gwahanol. Bydd y cyfweliadau'n dangos pwysigrwydd gwrando ar storïau pobl, pwysigrwydd cydberthnasau mewn ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol a phwysigrwydd cyd-destun yr ymarfer gwaith ...

Free course
2 hrs
Perspectives on social work: individual stories free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Perspectives on social work: individual stories

In this series of four interviews you will watch a service user, a carer, a social worker and a social work manager talking about their different experiences. The interviews will illustrate the importance of listening to people’s stories, the importance of relationship in social work practice, and the importance of the context in which social ...

Free course
2 hrs
Dechrau gyda seicoleg free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Dechrau gyda seicoleg

Y 'pos mwyaf a phwysicaf' rydym yn ei wynebu fel pobl yw ni ein hunain (Boring, 1950, tud. 56). Mae pobl yn bos - yn bos cymhleth, cynnil ac amlhaenog, a daw'n fwy cymhleth fyth wrth i ni esblygu dros amser a newid o fewn cyd-destunau gwahanol. Wrth ateb y cwestiwn 'Beth sy'n ein gwneud ni yn pwy ydym ni?', mae seicolegwyr yn ...

Free course
5 hrs
Planning a better future free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Planning a better future

Planning a better future is an introductory course for anyone considering changing jobs, wondering how to move up the ladder or return to work after a break, and those who might be looking to aspire to better things.

Free course
15 hrs
Studying medicine bilingually free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Studying medicine bilingually

Are you interested in studying medicine at university? Then if so, this unit is for you. It introduces a number of the factors that you need to think about when applying to study medicine, and outlines some of the particular advantages of studying medicine bilingually at university.

Free course
1 hr
Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog

A oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn astudio meddygaeth yn y brifysgol? Os felly, mae’r uned hon i chi. Mae’n cyflwyno nifer o ffactorau yr ydych angen eu hystyried wrth wneud cais i astudio meddygaeth, ac yn amlinellu rhai o’r manteision o astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog yn y brifysgol.

Free course
1 hr
Sure, I know how to talk to people! free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Money & Business

Sure, I know how to talk to people!

This free course is one in a series focusing on leadership, decision-making and communication in the context of policing within the community. This particular session focuses on communication skills and specifically looks at how to build rapport and get the most out of conversations in community settings. It introduces a psychological model ...

Free course
4 hrs