History & The Arts
How the potato fuelled the rise of liberal capitalism
It can make chips. It can make mash. And the potato can even help create an entire political-economic system. Rebecca Earle explains how.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Intimate not Intimidated: It's Time to Talk about Sex and Disability
We asked 6 people with life-limiting conditions to join us for a day long discussion on sex, intimacy and relationships. This film delves into the details...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Signposts for Work
Signposts for Work has been developed as a theme within the Applying Psychology to Work Hub, providing tools, resources and short courses to help develop skills and knowledge towards preparing for new work or enhancing a current career journey.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Rugby: A sport for sampling or specialisation?
What are the benefits or risks of specialising in a sport early on? Jessica Pinchbeck discusses early specialisation in rugby.
Health, Sports & Psychology
One minute methods - participant observer research
Discover how researchers live within the societies they are studying, sometimes for many years, to gain an insider’s perspective and to share similar experiences.
Money & Business
Care for the elderly
Peter Bloom looks at the main contemporary challenges for elderly care.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Club, Country, Continent: Juggling fan identities at Euro 2020
Sport can play a role in shaping our identities – where we feel we ‘belong’ and how we view ourselves and others. This article explores the multiple ‘hats’, or scarves, that football fans are likely to wear when they enjoy the Euro 2020 spectacle.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Leadership in Health and Social Care
These six managers, from frontline roles across health and social care in the UK, are real people in real roles. By sharing their experiences through short videos, they help to bring alive the ideas studied in the course and help you to explore how they might play out in real-life situations. This material forms part of The Open University ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Where do we get the help that really counts?
When only one third of people with mental health symptoms access formal channels of support due to funding problems or stigma, is informal support from family and friends just as good?
Health, Sports & Psychology
Herbal medicine
Caldar Bendle gives an overview of herbal medicine, its history and its role in medicine today.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Introducing relational care
‘Relational care’ is a developing approach to care which can help address many of the challenges faced by the older adult care sector. It provides benefits not only for older people but also all those involved in their care. This free course is for providers, managers and staff of older adult residential and day care facilities. It explains ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Practice supervision and assessment in nursing
Being able to supervise and assess in the workplace are core skills needed by those supporting learners. In the context of this development, this free course, Practice supervision and assessment in nursing, has been designed to support practitioners working with students in workplace settings across nursing provision. Core to these resources are...