Health, Sports & Psychology
My abortion experience: Renee's story
19-year-old Renee explains how, despite taking the morning after pill, she fell pregnant and why she opted for an abortion.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Physical activity: a family affair
This free course, Physical activity: a family affair, aims to explore the effects that the family has on the amount and nature of physical activity a child participates in. The beliefs and behaviours of the family environment are the key psycho-social factors we investigate here.

Money & Business
Why do call centre staff use your name all the time, Chris?
Chris, if you've had to deal with a call centre you might have noticed they use your name a lot. Do you know, Chris, why they do this? Well, Chris, The OU's Anna Kristina Hultgren has investigated. Putting you through now, Chris.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Brexit and the Art of Negotiation
How to reduce your biases during complex negotiations, in the fifth article from Volker Patent’s series on the psychology of Brexit.

Society, Politics & Law
What is the EU? - Student Hub Live's Brexit Special
Learn about the EU and how it extends, limits or replaces the work of national governments, in the opening video of the Student Hub Live Brexit special.

Digital & Computing
Hacking under your skin?
A Belgian research team have discovered a way to hack into medical implants.

Education & Development
Emotion in motion: Supporting children’s understanding of different emotions through dance
Dance is great for children's social and emotional learning. This article explores 'Dancemotion', a collaborative project led by The Open University.

Health, Sports & Psychology
The science of nutrition and healthy eating
This free course, The science of nutrition and healthy eating, looks at the science behind nutrition, covering aspects of biology, chemistry and physics as well as giving some insight into healthier eating. Reading food labels, choosing healthier foods, hydrating appropriately and understanding how we taste food will allow you to be more ...

Money & Business
Understanding operations management
Operations management is one of the central functions of all organisations. This free course, Understanding operations management, will provide you with a basic framework for understanding this function, whether producing goods or services or in the private, public or voluntary sectors. In addition, this OpenLearn course discusses the role of ...

"I was so depressed yesterday..." - or were you?
Using phrases relating to mental health to add drama to your conversation can have unintended consequences, warns Zsofia Demjen.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Older carers, COVID-19 and physical activity
It is estimated that 23% of adults aged 65 years and over provide unpaid care - how much has this increased since the corona virus outbreak? This article explores...

Health, Sports & Psychology
Supporting physical development in early childhood
Are you involved in caring for or educating babies and young children either as a practitioner in the workforce or as a parent/carer? In this free course, Supporting physical development in early childhood, you will learn how to ensure young children do enough physical activity and how it improves child mental and physical health development....