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Results: 1118 items

Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment audio icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment

Partial or total loss of sight affects millions of people worldwide. Many cases are preventable or curable, but simple interventions are not available in some poorer countries. The 15 video tracks in this album explore the impact of visual impairment and corrective treatments. Derek Child explains how he learned to adapt to losing his sight and...

54 mins
My abortion experience: Renee's story video icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

My abortion experience: Renee's story

19-year-old Renee explains how, despite taking the morning after pill, she fell pregnant and why she opted for an abortion.

5 mins
Розуміння проблем психічного здоров'я free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Розуміння проблем психічного здоров'я

За останнє століття відбулися радикальні зміни у реакції на людей, які мають проблеми з психічним здоров’ям. У цьому безкоштовному курсі «Осмислення проблем психічного здоров’я» ви дізнаєтесь про те, як ключові погляди в цій галузі сприяли осмисленню проблем психічного здоров’я людини. Безпосередньо пов’язуючи основні точки зору з тематичним ...

Free course
10 hrs
Introduction to child psychology free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Education & Development

Introduction to child psychology

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and development, and studying these changes is endlessly stimulating. In this free course, Introduction to child psychology, you will be introduced to the discipline of child psychology and some of the key questions that guide the understanding of childhood. These questions include 'What influences children's...

Free course
8 hrs
Training for endurance in sport and fitness free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Training for endurance in sport and fitness

In this free course you will explore an important aspect of strength and conditioning which refers to the physical preparation of athletes: endurance. You will look at the physiological factors that underpin endurance and assess how endurance can be developed relative to performance in a range of sports.

Free course
5 hrs
Why do England fail in international football competitions? article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Why do England fail in international football competitions?

The England Men's Football team doesn't have the most enviable record. Is this a structural problem? Laurie Taylor and Anthony King dig into the dug out to explore the reasons.

5 mins
Recovery at the Rugby World Cup article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Recovery at the Rugby World Cup

Caroline Heaney sheds some light on the hot topic of recovery in professional sports tournaments like the Rugby World Cup.

5 mins
Do we have a right to die? activity icon

History & The Arts

Do we have a right to die?

Do we have a right to die? What are the moral and ethical implications of assisted suicide?

5 mins
Understanding management: I'm managing thank you! free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Money & Business

Understanding management: I'm managing thank you!

This free course, Understanding management: I'm managing thank you! provides you with a set of ideas for developing your approach to managing your own work what we might call self-management. In order to do this, we will examine some of the key processes of management decision making, such as allocating time, staff, physical and financial ...

Free course
5 hrs
World Health Day article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

World Health Day

Thursday 7th April 2016 is World Health Day. The main goals of the 2016 campaign are to increase awareness about the rise in diabetes and its staggering burden and consequences. 

5 mins
Non-speaking autism, embodiment, neurodivergence and access to communication therapies and devices article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Non-speaking autism, embodiment, neurodivergence and access to communication therapies and devices

Ruth Collier-Large discusses her research project, which aims to give a platform to non-speaking autistic people, who may communicate independently online.

5 mins
British summertime article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

British summertime

The sun has got his hat on and people may be having a picnic, firing up the BBQ or taking a trip to the beach; what does British summertime mean to you?

5 mins