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Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships
Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships

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2.1 When to use each diagram

For each diagram description below there is a suggested Activity which is itself an animated tutorial.  These are generic tutorials associated with the Study pack T552 Systems Diagramming.

Influence diagram

I will use this type of diagramming … when I want to: Examples of use
  • identify structural factors of influence (including actors or agents)
  • differentiate between strong and weak influences
  • identify what might be obstacles (‘bad’ influences)
  • To explore the strengths and weaknesses of the structural factors from different viewpoints.
  • To identify factors that might need particular attention in order to bring about constructive change.

Activity 1 What is an influence diagram?

Watch the video on Influence diagrams. [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

Multiple cause diagram

I will use this type of diagramming … when I want to: Examples of use
  • identify the process of why an event happened (the causes and sub-causes of a phenomenon) and hence the agency of change
  • identify how these causes relate to each other through flows of causation
  • identify a suitable point of intervention to support success or inhibit or reduce problems.
  • To explore the strengths and weaknesses of the structural factors from different viewpoints.

Activity 2 What is a multiple cause diagram?

Click on multiple cause diagram to see the description of the animated tutorial.

Cognitive mapping

I will use this type of diagramming … when I want to: Examples of use
  • reveal or illuminate patterns of reasoning about (or making sense of) a particular situation
  • reach a decision about a particular option which will generate minimum negative consequences
  • To choose between various options for intervention in which the consequences of each option might not be immediately apparent.
There is no ‘What is …’ animation for cognitive mapping.