5.1 Digital wellbeing, safety and security
While many organisations approach digital wellbeing, safety and security as separate entities, it is useful to consider them together, as there are overlaps: safety is inherently linked to wellbeing and security. If you do not feel ‘safe’, because your digital security is not sufficient, this can affect your wellbeing (see Figure 4).
In a more digitally-driven world, our needs and the reliance on technology has meant that our digital life merits consideration as a basic need. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, adapted to consider our digital life, provides a useful framework for considering organisational and individual needs. Similarly the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] seven wellbeing goals, five ways of working, and the Jisc Digital Wellbeing model take a holistic approach to building digital capabilities and skills, with an emphasis on wellbeing.
In this course we do not focus on digital wellbeing in detail, but the Hybrid working: wellbeing and inclusion course within this collection has more information about digital wellbeing and safety. The Jisc model for digital wellbeing for individuals is also a useful resource on this topic.
Activity 14 What are your digital security responsibilities in the workplace?
Your responsibilities for digital security within an organisation will vary on your role and the policies, processes and guidance within your organisation. Take some time to explore these within your organisation, consider what you are required to do, and what you actually do. You may wish to list the key responsibilities you have in the free text box below.
It is important to remember that digital wellbeing, safety and security can refer to both online and offline environments. Table 7 presents some simple tips on this subject:
Online | Offline |
Do you have bitlocker keys for your devices? | Where do you secure your devices when not in use? |
How secure is your password? Do you change it regularly? You can check it on: Does it comply with your organisation’s guidance? |
Do you lock your computer if you leave your work area? Do you know who to contact if you cannot access your systems or get online? |
Does your organisation use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and have you set yours up correctly? | Who can see your screen when working? |
Do you consider how you share information both internally and externally? How sensitive is it? | What work matters do you discuss with others? |
Do you use passwords on sensitive documents when necessary? | How do you store physical documents? |
Do you know what to do if you receive spam emails? | Who do you let use your devices? |
The National Cyber Security Centre has further tips for staying secure online and the Learn My Way website has a basic introduction to Online Safety resource that you may wish to explore.