1.2 Abbreviations
The table below shows the abbreviations that are used throughout this unit, and their meanings.
ADSL | asymmetric digital | PGP | Pretty Good Privacy |
subscriber line | PING | packet internet groper | |
DES | Data Encryption Standard | PSTN | public switched telephone |
DMZ | demilitarised zone | network | |
DNS | domain name system | RC2 | Rivest cipher 2 |
DSS | Digital Signature Standard | RC4 | Rivest cipher 4 |
FTP | file transfer protocol | RSA | Rivest, Shamir and |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers | Adleman block cipher | |
Authority | S-HTTP | secure hypertext transfer | |
ICMP | internet control message | protocol | |
protocol | S/MIME | secure/multipurpose internet | |
IDEA | International Data | mail extensions | |
Encryption Algorithm | SET | secure electronic transaction | |
IP | internet protocol | SHA | secure hash algorithm |
IPSec | internet protocol security | SIM | subscriber identity module |
ISDN | integrated services digital | SMTP | simple mail transfer |
network | protocol | ||
ISO | International Organization | TCP | transmission control |
for Standardization | protocol | ||
LAN | local area network | UDP | user datagram protocol |
MD5 | message digest 5 | VPN | virtual private network |
MSP | message security protocol | XOR | exclusive-OR |
NSA | National Security Agency | 3DES | Triple Data Encryption |
OSI | open systems | Standard | |
interconnection |