1.3 How can ICT support creativity?
Through this unit I hope to encourage discussion about how three apparently rather different ideas – creativity, community and new technology – are inextricably linked. How can new technologies enable young people to be more creative?
What activities can we involve them in that will unleash their best expressions of self – as individuals and as members of a school community?
Now think a bit more about what creativity is by doing Activity 1.
Activity 1
Although this unit can be studied by an individual, I have designed it primarily to be used by a group of colleagues. So, if you can, spend some time identifying a small group of staff interested in working together to explore how ICT might support the development of creativity in your school.
Individual activity
Think about the following questions and note your answers.
Who would you identify as being really creative?
What qualities do they have that make you say this?
If you were asked to choose the most creative activity you have ever been involved in, what would it be?
Group activity
Compare your responses to these questions. Were you in agreement about what makes for creativity? (It would be worth summarising the ideas discussed in your Learning Journal or on a flip chart so they can be referred to later.)