4.4 Stages in assignment writing
Activity 5
Note down in your Learning Journal what you think the stages are that you have to go through in producing an assignment, from beginning to end.
You may well have thought of some, if not all, of the following stages:
letting go
reflecting on the feedback.
Let's break down these stages further.
This stage consists of:
estimating the time available for the task
identifying what the question is asking of you
taking note of the guidance you have been given
researching or carrying out an experiment or collecting data
making notes
thinking over your ideas.
Planning your assignment involves:
working out an appropriate and logical structure
identifying what is relevant and what is not
taking account of the word limit
refining your ideas
selecting appropriate evidence or quotations.
This stage comprises a single task:
writing the assignment, perhaps with one or more early drafts.
Polishing your assignment means:
reviewing what you have written and making changes
checking your spelling and grammar
making sure your references are correct
checking the word count.
Letting go
This is more than just sending off your assignment. Letting go includes:
deciding when the assignment is finished
submitting the assignment
conducting a self-review.
Reflecting on tutor feedback
And finally:
comparing your self-review with your grade and tutor comments.
As you can see, the actual writing of the assignment is only one part of the process.