6.3.1 Stage 1 Brainstorm
To begin your planning, you need to generate ideas or brainstorm. At this stage, you are including everything that you think may be relevant. Nothing should be dismissed yet; this part is about gathering your resources and your thoughts.
For instance, using the essay title ‘There are advantages to studying as a mature student. Do you agree?’, we tried to brainstorm for ideas and produced this list (but, of course, it wasn't this tidy):
Gregory quote (steelworkers) – life experience
degree certificate – what does it say about you?
home commitments and comparison with younger students
government policy – numbers studying
changes in the workplace, need to retrain
need for family support
self-discipline and motivation
agree or disagree with statement
define mature? – no – too obvious.
This isn't everything, but it is a start and is helpful in understanding what the question requires.
Activity 15
Try to do the same for your next assignment. Brainstorm all your ideas and sources.
The important thing to remember is that anything that comes to mind may be relevant, leave nothing out at this stage.