3.2 Pride in your identity
Identity is important to all of us. It can be a great source of pride for many, and of shame for others. Identity is complex, messy and multifaceted.
Pride in our identity is really situated around this sense of belonging in history – what that history represents and where that pride is derived from, particularly in terms of identity. As you will hear in the next video, there is a narrow definition of Western beauty, which, when allowed to dominate, can lead Black people to feel pressure to suppress traditional characteristics that are important to their identity.
Hair means something different to each of us. ‘Black hair’ has a uniquely meaningful history as a symbol of survival, resistance and celebration. It’s been wielded as a tool of oppression and also one of empowerment – and our society’s perceptions of Black hair still influence how Black people are treated today. Eunice shares some of their experiences in the following video.

Transcript: Video 8 Eunice Olumide
See also …
Good hair: perceptions of racism [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] : Explore this interactive resource.