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7.3 Review the whole process

Before you file away your assignment and return to your current study, spend a little time reviewing the whole process of preparing, exploring, implementing and reviewing your assignment. Review what you did and how you did it in each of the four phases. Trying to identify just one thing that went well and one thing that you could have done differently can help you in your future study. Remember that your review should focus on the process of the preparation for, and production of, your assignment (i.e. how you might do it differently) and not just the product itself (i.e. how you might do it better).

Here are some comments from Tim.

I've dipped in and out of this course but I can see now that I could have gone through the whole thing a bit earlier. I really haven't made much effort to read through my tutor's comments until now - just a quick look at the feedback sheet I received - and I know that I've missed a lot. Pulling out my tutor's comments gave me something to focus on for my last assignment - I saved myself time and anguish over what to put in the essay and I got a better mark. I will certainly have a good look at my next assignment.

As you read through the description of the process with its four phases and associated activities, you probably felt that you might like to try some of them but that attempting to complete the whole process could be too demanding. That's fine - now you have a choice. You can decide to invest some time and effort in learning how to learn and therefore give the whole process a try as you start the next part of your course and prepare for the associated assignment. Or, you may choose to focus on one phase of the process and try the activities suggested just for that phase - perhaps preparing or reviewing. Possibly, you may decide that you want to really develop one or two components that seem particularly important for you. This may be because the activity is something you rarely do - like planning - and yet feel that it might make a difference to your work. Or, you may have found some of the suggestions really interesting and decide to try them out for yourself - perhaps focussing on monitoring your progress and performance or attempting to self-assess your own assignments, and then trying to apply any relevant feedback from your tutor.