5.6 Week 5 References
Cormier, D. (2010) ‘Community as curriculm and open learning’, Dave’s Educational Blog, 17 Jun [online]. Available at http://davecormier.com/ edblog/ 2010/ 06/ 17/ community-as-curriculum-and-open-learning/ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (accessed 24 May 2017).
Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (1987) A Thousand Plateaus (trans. B. Massumi), Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
Downes, S. (2007) ‘What connectivism is’, Half an Hour, 3 February [online]. Available at http://halfanhour.blogspot.co.uk/ 2007/ 02/ what-connectivism-is.html (accessed 24 May 2017).
Embracing Uncertainty – Rhizomatic Learning in Formal Education (2012) YouTube video, added by Dave Cormier [online]. Available at http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=VJIWyiLyBpQ (accessed 24 May 2017).
Sanford, K., Merkel, L., Madill, L. (2011) ‘“There’s no fixed course”: rhizomatic learning communities in adolescent videogaming’, Loading…, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 50–70. Also available online at http://journals.sfu.ca/ loading/ index.php/ loading/ article/ viewFile/ 93/ 106 (accessed 14 November 2012).
Siemens, S. (2005) ‘Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age’, International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, vol. 2, no. 1 [online]. Available at http://www.itdl.org/ Journal/ Jan_05/ article01.htm (accessed 24 May 2017).
Weller, M. (2011) ‘A pedagogy of abundance’, Spanish Journal of Pedagogy, vol. 249, pp. 223–36. Also available online at http://oro.open.ac.uk/ 28774/ (accessed 24 May 2017).