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Revision and examinations
Revision and examinations

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Turning the negative into the positive

Here is a rewording of some of the negative student comments from Section 2, which we have re-worded into positive comments.

I am no good at exams, I always let myself down.The past is irrelevant. I am now working well and have planned techniques which will really help.
I leave revision to the last minute and then get in a flap.I can get my work done in time if I plan a timetable and stick to it.
I might fail.I am determined to pass and I am working to make that happen.

Make a list of positive statements that create positive feelings, and repeat them regularly. In the exam room, you could quietly say to yourself, ‘It is okay, I can handle this’, or ‘I can relax. I am in control’, or ‘Now is my chance to put into action the things I have learnt’.