2.3 Summary
Research shows that shifting the focus from teaching to learning will produce better student outcomes (MacGilchrist et al., 2004) and that student motivation aids progress (Hattie, 2012). Learner-centred approaches such as an enquiry approach or YPG are characterised by:
- students actively engaged in activities that may involve problem solving
- students having the opportunity to discuss their work with each other
- students deciding how to approach a task, with support and encouragement from you
- self and peer assessment
- you providing encouragement and feedback.
Enquiry and YPG approaches to learning value what young people bring in terms of personal geographies and questions, and they encourage students to investigate their own questions and environments. Students construct knowledge and understanding for themselves. In this way, geography can be meaningful and connected to their lives, and young people develop the conceptual understanding and skills to extend and update their own learning.