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Results: 210 items

Getting started with University Ready article icon

Education & Development

Getting started with University Ready

How to use University Ready – your collection of free resources from universities in Wales to help you get started with higher education.

5 mins
Applying to university - your step-by-step guide activity icon

Education & Development

Applying to university - your step-by-step guide

The university application process may feel complex and overwhelming - follow this guide to get started and stay on track.

5 mins
Let’s Talk About Uni – a podcast about real student experiences audio icon

Education & Development

Let’s Talk About Uni – a podcast about real student experiences

Are you wondering if university is right for you? Listen to students from all of Wales’ universities as they share their experiences.

5 mins
What is Clearing really like? video icon

Education & Development

What is Clearing really like?

Students from Cardiff University share their expectations and experiences of going through Clearing.

5 mins
At a crossroads: navigating work and/or family alongside study activity icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

At a crossroads: navigating work and/or family alongside study

Balancing the demands of studying with family or employment responsibilities can be difficult. This interactive explores different challenges, including lack of understanding and support from family members and employers, time pressures, and dealing with the emotional side of navigating work, family and study. Based on the real-life experiences ...

20 mins
Are you making the most of your student budget? activity icon

Education & Development

Are you making the most of your student budget?

The cost-of-living crisis has made everything more expensive. Now it is more important than ever to manage your money effectively whilst at university.

5 mins
Making the most of being at university video icon

Education & Development

Making the most of being at university

Get prepared for life as a university student. 

5 mins
Writing critically and structuring your essay - Academic Study Skills activity icon

Education & Development

Writing critically and structuring your essay - Academic Study Skills

Techniques you can use to help your essays flow coherently and to make your arguments clearer and more persuasive.

5 mins
Parent guide to university applications and beyond activity icon

Education & Development

Parent guide to university applications and beyond

A step-by-step guide for parents, guardians and carers designed to help you support your young person as they navigate the university application process and beyond.

5 mins
Managing my money for young adults free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Money & Business

Managing my money for young adults

This free course, Managing my money for young adults, will help you start to think about managing your finances. You will learn how to budget effectively, and will be encouraged to start thinking about your financial future.

Free course
24 hrs
Maintaining focus during exam preparation external link icon

Education & Development

Maintaining focus during exam preparation

Do you feel it is easy to be distracted when you’re studying? Student Jingyi shares some tips to help you stay focused.

External link
Ways to get work experience when it seems impossible external link icon

Education & Development

Ways to get work experience when it seems impossible

Student Jasmin shares practical ways to maximise your reach and improve your chances of securing the right work experience.

External link