Education & Development
Careers in STEM
This presentation showcases to school and college students what an exciting future in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) could look like.

Education & Development
Signposts - Physics
Useful online resources to help you get ready for Physics at University and enhance your general understanding of the subject.

Education & Development
Organisation and time management - Academic Study Skills
How to prioritise and plan in order to make the best use of your time

Education & Development
Preparing for University
Thinking of going to University or already applied? These handy resources will help you on your way to making a decision about what to study and prepare you for student life.

Education & Development
Useful Wellbeing Resources
Life can be hectic and stressful, and making important decisions about your future can be a daunting task.

Education & Development
Clearing advice for parents and guardians
Clearing is often a stressful time for students, but it can be just as hard on parents and guardians.

Education & Development
Taking effective notes - Academic Study Skills
Strategies for taking and making notes to support your studies.

Education & Development
Motivation and goal setting - Academic Study Skills
A guide to help find what motivates you and to set the goals that will get you through your studies.

Education & Development
Physics & Astronomy Resources
A selection of resources put together by staff and students at Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy.

Education & Development
Note-making is right at the heart of academic study.

Education & Development
Free online German courses
Discover these free German courses on OpenLearn.

Education & Development
A Taste of Law & Criminology: Miscarriages of Justice
Dr Sam Poyser from Aberystwyth University's Department of Law & Criminology looks at miscarriages of justice.