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What is the national learning hub for volunteers?

Updated Tuesday, 14 January 2020
The national learning hub for volunteers takes you on a journey with tools, resources and courses, to help you gain the confidence and recognition you deserve as a volunteer or someone working with volunteers.

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You are the future of volunteering. The helping hand when it’s needed most. You are part of a national movement to create a better future in health and care. The national learning hub for volunteeers' two collections made in partnership with OpenLearn from The Open University provide a comprehensive range of FREE courses across a variety of subjects to help you as a volunteer or someone who works with volunteers. Find out how to get started below...

Helpforce I am a volunteer I am a volunteer

Do you want to expand your skills and knowledge on volunteering and open the door to new opportunities?

Check out a number of free courses from OpenLearn, on subjects such as:

  • roles and responsibilities
  • communication
  • equality, diversity and inclusion
  • safeguarding
  • mental health
  • dementia
  • learning disability
  • health and safety
  • fluid and nutrition
  • basic life support
  • key skills

Get started and discover content with our website for volunteers.

Helpforce I work with volunteers I work with volunteers

Do you want to continue your professional development and identify future training needs and opportunities?

These free OpenLearn courses will help you on your quest, featuring topics like:

  • communication
  • relationship skills
  • human resources
  • freedom to act
  • physical effort
  • mental effort
  • emotional effort
  • working conditions
  • business acumen skills
  • research and development 

Get started and discover content with our website for people who work with volunteers.


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