Museums give children experiences above and beyond the everyday experiences that enrich and build upon classroom teaching and learning. Taking pupils to a museum, or bringing museum artefacts into school, instantly changes the dynamics of the usual learning environment. It gives you as a teacher the opportunity to start afresh with each child, to reach and engage with pupils in new and different ways. This free course, Enhancing pupil learning on museum visits, explores practical ways in which you can make the most of the UK's extraordinarily dynamic and diverse museums and galleries; it gives you pathways into museum resources, and shares examples of teachers and museum educators making the most of museum artefacts.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
understand how the use of objects and museum activities can enhance pupil learning
identify museum resources and support available to teachers, and understand the ways of accessing those services.
Simon Cope - 3 June 2017 4:24pm
I find that it is a shared experience a visit too a museaum is only enjoyed or appreciated if other events please certain individuals as all the children tend too find out as in assembly there are usually punishments that everyone is aware of for misbehaviour and i feel that a certain behaviour is expected of children in museaums out of respect as punishment at school can all be aimed at children being reppresented at museaums feminism in school is also associated with behaviour so i would say classes are mixed in museaums but like hospitals you have all male wards and all women ward as things can happen when the two sexes come together. art or things exhibited are a thing of beauty which can be enough and please some but for others they may not have the same appeal , books in relation too what is being exhibited can all add too the pot. i think they have donation areas as they do in churches , churches seem too be becoming less popular but i think that musuems have benefactors of actual art so there can be a compromise although depending on the church and levels of strictness although i think all churches have morales as do museaums but where you get numerous school in attendence emotions can run high .
Simon Cope - 3 June 2017 4:55pm
depending on the subject and where some courses try too challenge the inmagination is or occurs when you read one book that is unrelated too what you see and then are asked too comapre the two like harry potter and other books it helps with art when you read some think are asked too explain it and told you are wrong like having a script declined by a publisher. i think it depends which school you are with and what age i think it is a mistake too give a child a book and then let them see the image that the book relates too imagination or though i think the first teaching method mentioned is regarded as old school and schools have too keep up with the times.
Simon Cope - 3 June 2017 4:57pm
i think that these courses can be seen or being lived out in every day life .