The Academic Assessor
You will note from the last video and from the NMC SSSA (2018), that there is a third role involved in the assessment of students on NMC approved programmes, that of the Academic Assessor.
The Academic Assessor will usually be employed by the University. This role is similar to the Practice Assessor role in many ways; but the academic assessor is expected to ‘collate’ and ‘confirm’ the student’s academic outcomes, as well as their achievement of proficiencies for the part of the programme they are assigned to the student, before recommending them for progression on to the next part of the programme. The nominated Academic Assessor will work collaboratively with a nominated Practice Assessor to make a recommendation for student progression.
Role | Knowledge and experience required |
Further reading can be found here: What does an Academic Assessor do? NMC SSSA guidance [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .