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Social psychology and politics
Social psychology and politics

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1.1 Consolidation quiz

Before you go on to the next section, check your understanding of some key concepts that have been covered so far.

Activity 1 Consolidation quiz


(a) Social psychology can provide important insight into how people engage with the political


(b) Social psychological concepts are important for understanding political concepts


(c) Political issues have social and psychological consequences


(d) All of the above

The correct answer is d.


D is the correct answer here. Social psychologists are interested in studying the political because social psychological concepts, theories and research are highly relevant to the ways in which people relate to political processes and structures. This can aid understanding of how such structures and processes function (or not!). Likewise, the political is an important aspect of social worlds, and therefore the political has much to reveal about the relationship between the individual and the social, which is a key question in social psychology.


(a) Personality


(b) Group structures


(c) Culture


(d) Social identities

The correct answer is a.


A is the correct answer here. Social psychologists who take an individual-based approach to the study of politics might, for example, examine the relationship between political behaviour and personality. This will be covered in Section 2.


(a) The link between personality and political behaviour


(b) The link between personality and culture


(c) How people’s identities relate to their group memberships


(d) How people’s identities relate to their personalities

The correct answer is c.


C is the correct answer here. A group-based approach would look at how political actions and behaviours relate to a person’s group memberships. This will be covered in Section 3.


(a) An individual perspective


(b) A group-based perspective


(c) A sociocultural perspective


(d) All of the above

The correct answer is c.


C is the correct answer here. Social constructionist approaches are an example of a sociocultural perspective. They focus on the ways in which the political relates to broader cultural understandings and discourses that construct social worlds, and determine the possibilities for social and political action. This will be covered in Section 4.