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Results: 1091 items

What is the evidence that King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser? article icon

History & The Arts

What is the evidence that King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser?

Was Edward VIII a Nazi sympathiser? Damning evidence in the archives suggests he wanted England bombed to force an Anglo-German alliance?

10 mins
John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

History & The Arts

John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi

This free course, John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi, concentrates on Acts 1 and 2 of John Webster's Renaissance tragedy, The Duchess of Malfi. It focuses on the representation of marriage for love and the social conflicts to which it gives rise. The course is designed to hone your skills of textual analysis.

Free course
12 hrs
On a Wing and a Prayer: A case study article icon

Society, Politics & Law

On a Wing and a Prayer: A case study

Abdul Rahman Haroun walked from France to the United Kingdom. On A Wing And A Prayer is a response to that journey.

5 mins
The poetry of Sorley MacLean free course icon level 3: advanced icon

History & The Arts

The poetry of Sorley MacLean

Sorley MacLean (1911-1996) is regarded as one of the greatest Scottish poets of the twentieth century. This free course, The poetry of Sorley MacLean, will introduce you to his poetry and give you an insight into the cultural, historical and political contexts that inform his work. MacLean wrote in Gaelic and the importance of the language to ...

Free course
10 hrs
World Religion Day article icon

History & The Arts

World Religion Day

As part of World Religion Day's aim to promote understanding of different faiths, we have compiled a great range of resources on religions and themes.  

5 mins
Methods in Motion: Clashing loyalties article icon

History & The Arts

Methods in Motion: Clashing loyalties

Geoff Andrews argues that a multidisciplinary approach is key if we're to get to the heart of human vulnerabilities at moments of competing loyalties.

5 mins
Rhyddhau amrywiaeth y gorffennol article icon

History & The Arts

Rhyddhau amrywiaeth y gorffennol

Yr hanesydd Norena Shopland sydd yn yn egluro pam bod gennym ddiffyg gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth hanesyddol wrth adrodd straeon am amrywiaeth, a'r hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i newid hyn.

5 mins
Library of Alexandria free course icon level 3: advanced icon

History & The Arts

Library of Alexandria

One of the most important questions for any student of the ancient world to address is 'how do we know what we know about antiquity?' Whether we're thinking about urban architecture, or love poetry, or modern drama, a wide range of factors shape the picture of antiquity that we have today. This free course, Library of Alexandria, encourages you ...

Free course
7 hrs
Die Kapuzinergruft: Burial ceremonies of the Habsburgs activity icon


Die Kapuzinergruft: Burial ceremonies of the Habsburgs

How the imperial Habsburgs were ceremoniously buried in the Capuchine crypt.

10 mins
Listening for form in popular music free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

History & The Arts

Listening for form in popular music

This free course, Listening for form in popular music, explores form, or how music is organised in time. It looks at three strategies for communicating form – through the use of specialist terms (such as ‘chorus’ and ‘bridge’), alphabetic designations (for example AABA), and visual diagrams. It also considers how the form of a song works with ...

Free course
10 hrs
Health and wellbeing in the ancient world free course icon level 1: introductory icon

History & The Arts

Health and wellbeing in the ancient world

This free course, Health and wellbeing in the ancient world, investigates the health of people in ancient Greece and Rome, using both literary and archaeological evidence to uncover details of real life in ancient societies.

Free course
18 hrs
Why you shouldn't sniff at Winnie The Pooh article icon

History & The Arts

Why you shouldn't sniff at Winnie The Pooh

There's an introduction to satire tucked inside the bear of very little brain. Eleanor Byrne takes us deeper into Hundred Acre Wood.

5 mins