7.3 Tudor Wales
Image 1: Katheryn of Berain – the Llewesog Portrait. (Source: National Museum of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 2: Tombs of the gentry family of the Mansels of Margam, in Margam Abbey Church. (Source: Glamorgan Archive Serviced)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 3: Sir John Wynn of Gwydir. (Engraving by Robert Vaughan.) (Source: National Museum of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 4: Beaupré Castle, home of the Basset family of Beaupré (or Bewper). (Source: National Monuments Record for Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 5: The type of house favoured by south Wales yeomen during the ‘great rebuilding’. (Source: Cambridge University Press.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 6: The type of house commonly favoured in the Severn valley during the ‘great rebuilding’. (Source: Cambridge University Press.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 7: Reaping scene from Holinshed’s Chronicles, 1577. (Source: BBC Hulton Picture Library.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 8: Aerial photograph New Radnor, 1967. (Source: University of Cambridge, Committee for Aerial Photography.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 9: The title page of Yny Lhyvyr Hwnn (Source: National Library of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 10: Bishop William Morgan. (Source: National Library of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 11: The title page of the Bible, 1588. (Source: National Library of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 12: Sir Henry Sidney in 1573. (Artist unknown.) (Source: National Portrait Gallery.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 13: Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, c.1575. (Artist unknown). (Source: National Portrait Gallery.)
From: Tudor Wales
Image 14: Henry Herbert, second Earl of Pembroke (c. 1534–1601). (Artist unknown). (Source: National Museum of Wales.)
From: Tudor Wales
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From: Tudor Wales