Getting started with Spanish 3
This free course will take you some steps further in your journey toward learning Spanish. You should have some previous knowledge of Spanish, whether you have studied Getting Started with Spanish 1 and Getting Started with Spanish 2, or because you have learned Spanish elsewhere. This free course will allow you to practise some very useful ...

Getting started with Spanish 2
This free course is your next step to continue your journey learning Spanish, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. You should have some knowledge of Spanish, either because you have studied Getting started with Spanish 1 or because you have learned Spanish elsewhere. In this free course you will work with audio and ...

Helen Cammock and the art of storytelling
The artist Helen Cammock discusses how her art has transformed from using herself as a conduit for conversations about race to ‘the collective’ in this film. In the article below Philip Seargeant explores how art can operate as a form of storytelling, different to political or media storytelling.

Getting started with German 3
You'll start this course by building your vocabulary with language to use whilst shopping, such as items of clothing, colours, and how to ask for help. Then, in Week 2, you'll learn how to talk about television programmes and statistics. The course will give you opportunity to practise expressing preferences, asking for and giving permission and...

Which Poverty and Place: Why how we label different areas matters
What does the language used to talk about different places tell us about the attitudes towards 'deprived' or 'poor' areas and the people who live there?

Education & Development
Asexuality 101: Isn’t that for plants?
I like to nip that one in the bud as soon as possible. Yes, Asexuality can refer to a form of plant procreation, no, we do not bud, yes, we have heard this joke a billion times, and yes, we are kinda bored of it at this point.

Getting started with Chinese business culture essentials
Business dealings with China are on the increase. As a result, more and more organisations and business people are realising the need of doing more than just adhering to the rules of Chinese etiquette (such as presenting business cards with both hands) or the ‘dos and don'ts’ (such not opening gifts in front of your hosts) to have successful ...

Year of the Ox: Chinese New Year
牛年快乐 ! Niú nián kuàilè! Happy Year of the Ox. Why not learn how to write and pronounce basic Chinese words to celebrate Chinese New Year?

History & The Arts
Past-Time Lover: Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof
This article is part of a collection produced for Valentine’s Day. Who would you select for your Valentine from these iconic figures from history?

Getting started with Chinese 2
Have you always wanted to speak Mandarin Chinese? Have you even started learning a few basic words and expressions? If so, this course will give you more essentials of reading, writing, speaking and listening through a variety of online activities. A perfect online short course to develop further the skills needed to speak and understand simple ...

Getting started with Spanish 1
If you want to learn a new language for work or for leisure, this free course will introduce you to one of the most widely spoken languages in the world – Spanish. Whether this is the first time that you are learning Spanish, or you have already picked up some words and phrases from travelling across the Spanish-speaking world, this course ...

Getting started with French 2
This two-week course offers you the opportunity to discuss food, your likes and dislikes as well as to shop or order food. Little by little, you will improve your ability to make more sophisticated conversations and to understand more complex language in a variety of different scenarios. You will also find out facts about France and French ...