4.4 Thall ’s a-bhos: eisimpleirean
4.4.1 Te Reo Maori
Anns a’ chuid mhòr den t-saoghal tha dà-chànanas (no fiù ’s ioma-chànanas) cumanta. Tha mion-chànanan coltach ris a’ Ghàidhlig anns a’ mhòr-chuid a dhùthchannan, leis an aon seòrsa dhuilgheadasan agus dhùrachdan. Tha luchd-labhairt nan cànan sin a’ fàs nas mothachaile air a sin agus air na dh’fhaodas iad ionnsachadh o chèile.
Aig co-labhairt a chuir Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air chois ann an 2005, dh’innis Tipene Chrisp, Manaidsear Poileasaidh ann am Ministrealachd Leasachadh Maori aig Riaghaltas Shealain Nuaidh mu shuidheachadh Maori aig an àm sin.
‘By the late 1970s, it was predicted that the Maori language would be dead by 2010. This dire prediction sparked significant action to revitalise Maori in the early 1980s.
There was some recognition of the importance of home and community in this early phase. However, this recognition was quickly overtaken by our emphasis on formal education and broadcasting as the primary means for language revitalisation. It wasn’t until the Maori Language Conference of 1995 that home and community language development returned to the agenda.
The renewed emphasis on home and community language development was based on Fishman’s focus on intergenerational language transmission. We absorbed this theoretical approach over time and were inspired by it. It has been adopted as the central platform of our strategy.
We realised quite early that Government cannot directly influence intergenerational language transmission. We can only take indirect measures that support the creation of an environment that is conducive to intergenerational language transmission in homes and communities. Our research indicated that there were three broad instruments for providing this indirect support:
- Incentives (mainly indirect, such as preferential access to particular schools)
- information (originally text-based for reasons of cost but now involving a range of media, including storylines in TV soaps)
- advice (delivered mainly through language planning at the community level and a system of family language mentors on the home front).’
Tha luchd-brosnachaidh cànan nam Maori den bheachd gu bheil an teaghlach agus a’ choimhearsnachd sònraichte cudromach ma tha a’ chànan dol a thighinn beò agus mar sin ’s e suidheachadh far a bheil i ga toirt le aon ghinealach dhan ath ghinealach a’ phrìomh amas aca. Tha àite cudromach air a bhith aig na kohanga reo, no na ‘neadan cànain’, a tha toirt seachad tràth-fhoghlam ann am Maori, anns an ro-innleachd seo. Airson bhidio mu na kohanga reo faic gu h-ìosal.
Airson fiosrachadh mun chànan Maori san fharsaingeachd, tadhail air ‘He Korero mo Te reo Maori’ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]