Free courses

Produced by The Open University, a world leader in open and distance learning, all OpenLearn courses are free to study. We offer nearly 1000 free courses across 9 different subject areas. Our courses are available to start right away.

Grid List Results: 76 items
Англійська у світі сьогодні free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Англійська у світі сьогодні

Як англійська мова стала сьогодні справжньою глобальною силою? Цей безкоштовний курс «Англійська у сучасному світі» досліджує статус мови та її розмаїття на планеті. Він розглядає, як соціальні та політичні аспекти впливають на ставлення людей до англійської, а також на зв’язок між мовною спадщиною та почуттям власної ідентичності.

Free course
8 hrs
English in the world today free course icon level 1: introductory icon


English in the world today

How did English become the global force it is today? This free course, English in the world today, explores the status of the language and its worldwide diversity. It looks at how social and political factors influence people's attitudes towards it, and at the relationship between one's linguistic heritage and sense of identity.

Free course
8 hrs
Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around

Do you want to improve your language skills and communicate more easily and effectively in Spanish? This free course, Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around, concentrates on Spanish as a tool for communication, but it also provides some insights into Hispanic societies and cultures through authentic printed and audio materials. This OpenLearn course...

Free course
20 hrs
Beginners’ German: Places and people free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Beginners’ German: Places and people

Do you want to learn the basics of the German language? This free course, Beginners’ German: Places and people, will take you on a journey through German-speaking countries. You will read and hear about a range of places and people. This OpenLearn course will give you the opportunity to develop language skills which will help you to cope in a ...

Free course
5 hrs
Beginners’ Spanish: food and drink free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Beginners’ Spanish: food and drink

Do you want to improve your language skills and communicate more easily and effectively in Spanish? This free course, Beginners’ Spanish: food and drink, focuses on buying and ordering food and drink at a restaurant or bar. You will be able to use some basic vocabulary relating to food, drinks, meals, quantities and measures. In this OpenLearn ...

Free course
6 hrs
Intermediate Spanish: Understanding spoken Spanish free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Intermediate Spanish: Understanding spoken Spanish

Welcome to this free course, Intermediate Spanish: Understanding spoken Spanish, which is aimed at intermediate learners of Spanish with an interest in language and culture. The six-hour course is designed to develop your understanding of spoken Spanish through six video portraits of people living in Spain. It introduces you to naturally spoken ...

Free course
6 hrs
Intermediate French: Holiday plans free course icon level 2: intermediate icon


Intermediate French: Holiday plans

This free course, Intermediate French: Holiday plans, is taken from Ouverture, a language course that concentrates on French as a tool for communication, but it also provides some insights into French society and culture through authentic printed, audio and video materials. The course will be of interest to all those who want to improve their ...

Free course
20 hrs
Advanced Spanish: Protest song free course icon level 3: advanced icon


Advanced Spanish: Protest song

This free course, Advanced Spanish: Protest song, will develop your knowledge and understanding of the societies and cultures of Spain and Latin America and extend the practical skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course focuses on protest song, a musical genre that has played an important role in Hispanic society.

Free course
4 hrs
Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts free course icon level 3: advanced icon


Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts

This free course, Advanced Spanish: Arts and crafts, is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of Spanish-speaking societies and cultures and extend the practical skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will examine the world of Spanish and Latin-American art and explore the difference between art and craft.

Free course
12 hrs
Advanced Spanish: Art in Buenos Aires free course icon level 3: advanced icon


Advanced Spanish: Art in Buenos Aires

This free course, Advanced Spanish: Art in Buenos Aires, uses a documentary about artists in Buenos Aires to help you to develop your listening skills. By assessing various parts of the documentary you will be able to extend your comprehension of spoken Spanish.

Free course
4 hrs
Advanced German: Regional landscapes free course icon level 3: advanced icon


Advanced German: Regional landscapes

German regions and landscapes, local traditions and the notion of Heimat are at the centre of this free course, Advanced German: Regional landscapes. You will describe images, make notes from a variety of sources, and write a short piece about the three-nations region around Lake Constance.

Free course
15 hrs
Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon

This free course, Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon, helps you to acquire the basic language to find your way around a French town. You will learn how to understand and give directions, ask about accommodation, book a hotel room at the tourist information office and get information about what to see and do in the local area. You will visit ...

Free course
15 hrs