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Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon
Beginners’ French: A trip to Avignon

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Section 2.7

2.7.1 Les musées d'Avignon

In this session, you decide to visit one of the museums in Avignon.

Key Learning Points

  • Telling the time

  • Buying tickets

  • Paying for goods and services

Activité 32

Look up these days of the week in your dictionary and put them in order.

Remettez dans l'ordre les jours de la semaine.


dimanche (Sunday), lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi


Note new vocabulary on a piece of card, French on one side, English on the other. Practise translating from one language to the other, looking at one side of the card, then the reverse. Record yourself saying new vocabulary. Play the recording to revise.

beaux-arts (m. pl.)fine art
la ferronnerie wrought ironwork
il ouvreit's open
il fermeit's closed
les jours fériés ( holidays

Activité 33

Look at the extract on the musée Calvet taken from a guide book and answer the questions in English.

Répondez aux questions.

  1. What can you see at the musée Calvet?

  2. Which days is the museum open?

  3. Which days is it closed?

  4. How much is an entry ticket?


  1. Fine art (beaux-arts), paintings (peinture), sculpture and a collection of wrought ironwork (ferronnerie).

  2. Wednesday to Sunday.

  3. Monday, Tuesday and on public holidays.

  4. 6 euros.