4.4.2 The bilingual poet
Aonghas MacNeacail, although he uses only the Gaelic form of his name, writes highly acclaimed poetry in both Gaelic and English. There are many journalists, actors and broadcasters who do the same, thus extending their range and marketability.
Aonghas’s poem on Marilyn Monroe, written in both languages, is given below. Click here [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] to visit Aonghas MacNeacail’s website.
òr 'na do ghruaig | gold in your hair |
òr ann an ìnean do chas | gold in the nails on your feet |
òr ann an ruisg chadalach do shùilean beò | gold in the sleepy lids of your living eyes |
òr 'na do ghruaidhean, 'nam fathann athaidh | gold in your cheeks, in their rumour of a blush |
òr ruadh do bhilean | red gold of your lips |
òr sa ghualainn mhin àrd a' fasgadh do smig | gold in the raised shoulder that shelters your chin |
òr anns a' bhroilleach ghealltanachd | gold in your breasts, their promise |
paisgte 'na bhad | enfolded in wisps |
òr 'na do chneas seang, air miadan do chruachan | gold in your slender waist, on the meadows of your hip |
ann an lùb nan sliasaid is | in the curve of thigh and |
air glùin nan dìomhaireachd | on your knee of mysteries |
rinn d' adhbrainn òrach | your golden ankle gave |
dannsa caol | slim dances |
do gach sùil a shealladh | that any eye could see |
airgead-beò 'na do chuislean | quicksilver in your veins |
airgead-beò 'na do chridhe | quicksilver in your heart |
airgead-beò gu na h-iomaill | quicksilver to every corner |
dhe d' anam | of your soul |
agus d' osnadh, do ghàire | and your sighs, your laugh |
do ghuth-seinn, do ghuth-labhairt | your singing, your speech |
mar bhraoin de dh'òr | like a mist of gold |
agus do gach fear a chùm | and to every man who kept you |
air lios leaghteach nan dealbh thu | on the screen's dissolving field |
òr, o | gold, from |
bhàrr calgach do chlaiginn gu | the maned top of your skull |
buinn rùisgte do chas | to the bare soles of your feet |
òr, òr, òr, | gold, gold, gold, |
beò no marbh | alive or dead |
their cuid nach robh thu cho cùbhraidh | some say you weren't so fragrant |
's iad a' deothal an t-sùigh | as they suck the substance |
a sporan suilt òrach do bhèin | from the fertile purse of your skin |
òr, òr, òr | gold, gold, gold |