1.3 Answering questions
In a moment you are going to watch a video clip about one of the people who you just heard introducing himself. Before you watch the clip, take the time to read the questions he was asked, which are listed below. This will help you to understand what he is talking about.
• Können Sie sich bitte vorstellen?
• Wo wohnen Sie?
• Was machen Sie beruflich?
• Was macht Sie glücklich?
• Was sagen Ihre Freunde über Sie?
Box 1 Preparing for real experiences: Learning from authentic video resources
The video clips in this course are not scripted, they include language which the people we interviewed used naturally. The materials include vocabulary and grammar you may not fully understand. Even this, however, is an important part of the process of learning a new language. It is likely that you understand some of what you are seeing and hearing to begin with, and that you can build on this one step at a time. Some language courses script audio visual materials and focus on the vocabulary and grammar being taught at that moment. This is useful for learning to reinforce expressions and phrases, but authentic materials prepare the learner for hearing German in real life.
Now that you know a little about what you are going to hear, you will see how Henning Haarhaus answered the questions.
Activity 3
Watch the video, then decide which statements are correct, based on what Henning says.
More than one option may be correct for some of the questions.
Ich wohne zur Zeit in Bremen.
Ich bin in Hamburg geboren.
Hamburg liegt nördlich von Bremen.
Ich habe eine Freundin.
Ich wohne allein.
The correct answers are c and d.
Ich segle mit meinem Kutter hier.
Ich bin Angler.
Ich verkaufe Boote.
The correct answer is a.
wenn ich auf dem Wasser bin.
wenn ich mit meiner Freundin segeln gehe.
wenn meine Freunde und ich schöne Sachen zusammen machen.
The correct answers are a and c.
Dass ich das Positive sehe.
Dass ich nie gut zuhöre.
Dass sie mit mir gern ins Kabarett gehen.
The correct answer is a.