6.3 Focusing on pronunciation
You will now look more carefully at a small section of what Antje Schollweck said, focusing on any words you are not confident in saying accurately.
Activity 27
When learning a language it can be good if you focus on spoken vowel sounds, as they often sound different in the new language. Listen to this section and focus on the words you were less confident in saying.
Glücklich machen mich Zwischenmenschlichebeziehungen, ich liebe Menschen, jeglicher Art. Ich mag gerne mich unterhalten mit Leuten, ich mag gern neue Sachen lernen, das lieb ich. Meine Freunde würden mich als etwas verrückt beschreiben, unangepasst, ehrm fleiβig.
Then read this section out loud, thinking about how Antje Schollweck had pronounced the words and sentences. See what you could learn from paying close attention to the way Frau Schollweck speaks aloud.
Glücklich machen mich Zwischenmenschlichebeziehungen, ich liebe Menschen, jeglicher Art. Ich mag gerne mich unterhalten mit Leuten, ich mag gern neue Sachen lernen, das lieb ich. Meine Freunde würden mich als etwas verrückt beschreiben, unangepasst, fleiβig.
Activity 28
Have the transcript open, and read it out loud at the same time as watching the video. This is useful because it helps to link spoken and written sounds again. It also helps you to develop natural sounding intonation while you speak at more length.