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Intermediate Spanish: A trip across Latin America
Intermediate Spanish: A trip across Latin America

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1.1 Diccionarios y pronósticos del tiempo

El diccionario es una herramienta muy útil. Hay dos usos principales:

  • Para comprender: buscar palabras que no se conocen, que se han escuchado o leído, o para confirmar significados, por ejemplo, un significado que se ha deducido del contexto.
  • Para producir: buscar palabras para expresar las propias ideas al escribir o al hablar; buscar ortografía; gramática, confirmar el significado, etc.

El uso de un diccionario monolingüe es recomendable.

It is very important that you get to know your monolingual dictionary well. Study its characteristics, the user instructions given and the abbreviations used in the dictionary. Look at how the different sections in each entry are organised into the different meanings and remember to choose the best meaning or definition carefully, depending on the context of the word you are looking up. Entries may give very valuable information about the type of word, the register (formal, familiar, jargon, slang, etc.) and the different ways it is used in different countries or areas of the world.

Actividad 2

Timing: 10 minutos


tormentas tropicales




vientos huracanados




ola de calor


bajas temperaturas


lluvias torrenciales



The correct answers are a and g.