6.2 Using transcripts
Transcripts are useful tools in language learning with videos. Here you will learn a technique to help your pronunciation and speaking of Spanish; later in the course you will use them again to identify features of colloquial speech to help your understanding.
Box 6: Shadow reading (1)
Shadow reading using a transcription of the words by the speakers is also a good technique to practise listening, reading and speaking. One technique you can use is this: Listen to the video material at least once to become familiar with the pronunciation and the content. When you think you are familiar with it, try to imitate the speaker by reading his or her words from the transcript. You can try to talk at the same time as the speaker, or you can wait until he or she finishes the sentence and then pause the video and read out loud what he or she said.
Actividad 27
Now that you have a better understanding of what Antonio says, practise shadow reading with an extract of his video. While you listen to him, read the transcript out loud, imitating Antonio's pronunciation and intonation as closely as possible.