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Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around
Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around

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1.2 Actividad

In this activity you are going to use adjectives to describe buildings.

Actividad 1.2

1. Here are some adjectives taken from the text. Translate them into English. Consult the Spanish section of the dictionary if you wish.


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Words: 0
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2. Match the words in the column on the left with their opposites in the column on the right.

Enlace las dos columnas.

(a) grande, grande (i) negro, negra
(b) moderno, moderna (ii) pequeño, pequeña
(c) bonito, bonita (iii) antiguo, antigua
(d) blanco, blanca (iv) feo, fea
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  1. Here is a possible answer:

cultural cultural
espectacular spectacular
moderno modern
audiovisuales audiovisual
enorme enormous
metálica metallic/metal
blanca white
interactivo interactive
precioso beautiful
gigante gigantic
  1. grande – pequeño

    moderno – antiguo

    bonito – feo

    blanco – negro


You will remember that an adjective changes according to whether the noun it refers to is masculine (e.g. el edificio – ‘building’ ) or feminine (e.g. la casa – ‘house’ ):

  • el edifici o modern o

  • la cas a modern a

When adjectives refer to a masculine noun, they end in - o.

When they refer to a feminine noun, they end in - a.

However, adjectives that end in - e or in a consonant have the same form for both masculine and feminine nouns:

  • el país grand e la plaza grand e

  • el complejo cultura l la actividad cultura l