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Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around
Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around

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4.4 Actividad

Actividad 4.4

Part 1

Here are three smileys representing different moods. Which places do you most associate with those moods? Note down your thoughts. There is no ‘right’ answer.


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Here is a possible answer. Yours may be very different!

  • : el bar, el cine, el cibercafé

  • : el parque, el restaurante

  • : la oficina, el hospital, el hipermercado, el aeropuerto

Part 2

Complete the table to say where you are going at the times mentioned. The smileys show your mood, and may give you a clue for a possible answer.

Complete la tabla.

¿Adónde va usted?
Hora Lugar
09:00h Voy a la oficina.
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To use this interactive functionality a free OU account is required. Sign in or register.
To use this interactive functionality a free OU account is required. Sign in or register.
To use this interactive functionality a free OU account is required. Sign in or register.
Words: 0
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Here is a possible answer:

¿Adónde va usted?
Hora Lugar
09:00h Voy a la oficina.
14:00h Voy al bar.
17:00h Voy al hipermercado.
20:00h Voy al cine.
21:00h Voy al restaurante.