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Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around
Beginners’ Spanish: Getting around

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7.1 Actividad

cargar here, to charge
consultar here, to check
saldo (el) bank balance
cambiar to change (money)
cuenta corriente (la) current account
sello (el) stamp
comprar to buy

Actividad 7.1


sacar dinero


sacar entradas de teatro


cargar el teléfono móvil


mandar un correo electrónico


consultar el saldo de la cuenta corriente


comprar tarjetas de autobús y metro


comprar sellos


cambiar dinero

The correct answers are a, b, c, e, f and h.


Some notes:

sacar entradas de teatro, comprar tarjetas de autobús y metro – some banks in Barcelona sell these.

Things you don't usually do in a bank:

mandar un correo electrónico, comprar sellos – you can buy stamps at an estanco, a government-licensed tobacconist and newsagents.

Part 2

Match the following verbs with the corresponding phrases.


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. cargar

  2. consultar

  3. comprar

  4. sacar

  5. mandar

  • a.el saldo de la cuenta corriente

  • b.entradas de teatro

  • c.un correo electrónico

  • d.una tarjeta de metro y bus

  • e.el teléfono móvil

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = e
  • 2 = a
  • 3 = d
  • 4 = b
  • 5 = c


comprar can also be used with entradas, but is less common.

Part 3

Now listen to somebody asking for different things in a bank. What are they trying to do, and where are they directed? Make notes below. It may be easier if you pause after each dialogue.

Escuche y escriba.

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Ventanilla 1: cambiar dinero, cambiar euros.

Ventanilla 3: sacar entradas de teatro.

Cajero automático: cargar el (teléfono) móvil, sacar dinero con tarjeta de crédito.