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Introducing the voluntary sector
Introducing the voluntary sector

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Course glossary

Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 9:08 PM
Site: Open Learning
Course: Introducing the voluntary sector (VOLB_1)
Glossary: Glossary


Was first coined in the 1970s and refers to the act of volunteering in the local community, voluntary organisations as well as other public or private organisations involving volunteers.


Welfare state

The UK is considered to have a welfare state, i.e. where government takes responsibility for health and social care for all its citizens. It was originally perceived as a system whereby services would be provided free and paid for by national insurance: the concept of free services has been eroded over the decades since it was first conceived in the Beveridge Report of 1942.

Windrush generation

Denotes a defining moment of post-war mass migration of people from the Caribbean to the UK. The term comes from the British ship SS Empire Windrush, which arrived in Essex in 1948 with the first group of Caribbean migrants.