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Working in the voluntary sector
Working in the voluntary sector

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Voluntary organisations are regulated or checked by the appropriate commission to guard against malpractice. Fundraising is also regulated in the UK.

restricted income

This is income that can only be used for the purposes for which it was given. This is the case with many grants from funding bodies.



The ability of an organisation to meet its financial obligations.


A person, a group or an organisation that has an interest in an organisation.


Making assumptions about what someone (or something) is like.



Applications for grants or contracts.

top-down approach

An approach in an organisation or community dominated by ‘people at the top’, which does not allow for independent action by people lower down.


Charities sell products or services to raise income.


A person who gives their time for free to lead or steer voluntary organisations. Trustees set the direction for the organisation and are legally and financially responsible for it. Sometimes trustees are given other titles, such as governors, councillors, management committee members or directors.


umbrella organisations

A coordinating organisation that brings together voluntary organisations, either nationally or locally.

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